Processing data from the server

A plugin will generally want to:

  1. Subscribe to data published by the server (i.e. received from a NMEA 2000 bus, etc)
  2. Emit data.

In both cases the plugin will use deltas which the server uses to signal changes in the Signal K full data model. Delta messages contain the new value associated with a path (not the amount of change from the previous value.)_

See the Signal K Delta Specification for details.

Using the server API, plugins can either:

  1. Get the current value of a path in the full model or
  2. Subscribe to a path and access a stream of deltas that updates every time the value is updated.

By specifying a context e.g. 'vessels.self' you can limit the number of delta messages received to those of host vesseel. To receive all deltas you can specify * as the context.

You can also limit the deltas received by the path you supply. If you supply a specific path e.g. navigation.position, only updates in the value will be received. Since paths are hierarchical, paths can contain wildcards _e.g.navigation.* which will deliver deltas containing updates to all paths under navigation.

The data received is formatted as per the following example:

    path: 'navigation.position',
    value: { longitude: 24.7366117, latitude: 59.72493 },
    context: 'vessel.self',  
    source: {
        label: 'n2k-sample-data',
        type: 'NMEA2000',
        pgn: 129039,
        src: '43'
    $source: 'n2k-sample-data.43',
    timestamp: '2014-08-15T19:00:02.392Z'

Reading the current path value

The server API provides the following methods for retrieving values from the full data model.

  • getSelfPath(path) returns the value of the supplied path in the vessels.self context.
const value = app.getSelfPath('uuid');
app.debug(value); // Should output something like urn:mrn:signalk:uuid:a9d2c3b1-611b-4b00-8628-0b89d014ed60
  • getPath(path) returns the value of the path (including the context) starting from the root of the full data model.
const baseStations = app.getPath('shore.basestations');

Subscribing to Deltas

A can subscribe to a stream of updates (deltas) by creating the subscription.

Subcriptions are generally manged in the plugin start() and stop() methods to ensure the subscribtions are unsubscribed prior to the plugin stopping to ensure all resources are freed.

The following example illustrates the pattern using the subscriptionmanager API method.

let unsubscribes = [];

plugin.start = (options, restartPlugin) => {
  app.debug('Plugin started');
  let localSubscription = {
    context: '*', // Get data for all contexts
    subscribe: [{
      path: '*', // Get all paths
      period: 5000 // Every 5000ms

    subscriptionError => {
      app.error('Error:' + subscriptionError);
    delta => {
      delta.updates.forEach(u => {

plugin.stop = () => {
  unsubscribes.forEach(f => f());
  unsubscribes = [];

In the start() method create a subscription definition localSubscription which is then passed to app.subscriptionmanager.subscribe() as the first argument, we also pass the unsubscribes array in the second argument.

The third argument is a function that will be called when there's an error.

The final argument is a function that will be called every time an update is received.

In the stop() method each subcription in the unsubscribes array is unsubscribed and the resources released.

Sending Deltas

A SignalK plugin can not only read deltas, but can also send them. This is done using the handleMessage() API method and supplying:

  1. The plugin id
  2. A formatted delta update message
  3. The Signal K version ['v1' or 'v2'] (if omitted the default is 'v1'). See REST APIs for details.


        updates: [{ 
            values: [{
                path: 'environment.outside.temperature',
                value: -253

Sending NMEA 2000 data from a plugin

A SignalK plugin can not only emit deltas, but can also send data such as NMEA 2000 data.

This is done using the emit() API and specifying the provider as well as the formatted data to send.

Example: Send NMEA using Actisense serial format:


Example: Send NMEA using Canboat JSON format:

  app.emit('nmea2000JsonOut', {
    pgn: 130306,
    'Wind Speed': speed,
    'Wind Angle': angle < 0 ? angle + Math.PI*2 : angle,
    'Reference': "Apparent"

Sending a message on NMEA2000 startup

If you need to send an NMEA2000 message out at startup, e.g get current state from a device you will need to wait until the provider is ready before sending your message.

Example: Send NMEA after the provider is ready:

  app.on('nmea2000OutAvailable', () => {