What's new in Version 2.

Signal K Server version 2 introduces new REST APIs designed to perform specific operations (e.g. set destination, advance to next point, etc).

These APIs have been implemented to ensure the integrity of the underlying Signal K data model by maintaining values in all related paths associated with the operation. In this way a cohesive, reliable data set is presented to all connected applications and devices.

The new APIs are mounted under /signalk/v2/api, their definitions available as OpenApi documents accessible via Documentation -> OpenAPI in the server admin user interface. They coexist with /signalk/v1/api paths to ensure continued operation of applications.

Some REST APIs provide an interface for use by plugins via the Server Plugin API to enable them to enact operations in a managed way.

Important: The Signal K data paths maintained by the REST APIs should NOT be updated directly by any other plugin or process!

With the move towards operation based APIs some paths are flagged for deprecation. Please see Changes & Deprecations for details.

Course API

Provides common course operations via /signalk/v2/api/vessels/self/navigation/course.

See the Course API for details.

Resources API

Provides operations for creating, maintaining and accessing resources such as routes, waypoints, etc via /signalk/v2/api/resources.

See the Resources API for details.

Notes for Developers:

NMEA0183 / NMEA2000 message processing

Whilst the Course API and its associated operations provide a means of setting a course, NMEA data streams are the source of information when the course is set on a connected device.

In the past, plugins processing NMEA data streams have directly populated the mapped v1 Signal K paths based on the received sentence / PGN values. Moving forward these plugins should utilise the relevant Server Plugin API methods to enact course operations.

Stream updates

The new REST APIs emit v2 deltas with values that are objects.

For example, when a course is activated, deltas will be emitted for navigation.course.previousPoint, navigation.course.nextPoint and navigation.course.activeRoute where the value is an object.

Example: v2 Delta

    "path": "navigation.course.previousPoint",
    "value": {
        "position": {
           "latitude": 65.0,
           "longitude": 3.754
        "type": "Location",
        "href": null

Connection with v1 Full Data Model

The current implementation of Signal K Server provides only a single stream endpoint (/signalk/v1/stream) and all values emitted as deltas (both v1 & v2) will continue appear there.

It should be noted, that even though both v1 & v2 deltas appear in the one stream, only v1 deltas will populate the full data model and be available under the /signalk/v1/api path!